GYST House is dedicated to assisting men and women in a total change in life-style, not simply getting off drugs. Through provision of high quality and effective treatment services by qualified, experienced and dedicated staff we place a special emphasis on Getting Your Self Together.
We believe the incidence of substance abuse is approximately the same in all segments of society without regard to gender, economic level, race, employment status, or other labels separating us as a human race. Accordingly, our services are available to any individual requiring and/or seeking our assistance with few expectations.
GYST House places a priority on severely dependent individuals without regard to class of drug used. Moreover, GYST House focuses on sociological factors rather than the pharmacological foundations in services. To further our mission, GYST House, supports and encourages the involvement of family and other committed to creating a life-style change in persons with drug and alcohol addictions.
We are a client-driven organization helping teach chemically dependent individuals that there is a better way of life. Our clientele are members of our family. As our family members they are our primary focus. We are driven by compassion, a nonjudgmental attitude, creativity and excellent performance in our tasks. Our co-workers in the family are our most important asset and we know nothing we achieve in our work is worth the fain if it compromises our sobriety, serenity or ethical conduct. We must provide superior value to the public and all we serve. This is accomplished with a commitment to the community we serve. As GYST House members we must be driven to reach the highest possible standards of excellence in everything we do and seek to provide optimum marketing and modeling of the better life we promote for all willing to seek it.
To keep residents' environment chemically free.
To offer help that imitates a sense of self-esteem, responsibility and emphasized character building.
To encourage residents to repay their debts, make amends where possible and achieve independent living by modifying behaviors.
Our Court Liaison will assist with legal issues regarding enrollment into the program. (Click the link below for more information).
GYST House is a non-profit, tax exempt, corporation which was chartered on September 27, 1973 for the purpose of maintaining and operating a group centered environment for men and women to break drug addiction...
Most individuals on drugs and/or alcohol have legal issues that need to be addressed. Whether they are currently incarcerated or facing incarceration.
The GYST House offers help to those facing such issues. Our Court Liaison can help and assist most anyone who has drug issues leading to incarceration. However, we are not attorneys, but our Court Liaison can work closely with attorneys,
public defenders, and courts in most all situations.
8101 Frenchmans lane
Little Rock Ar, 72209